The company is not in operation, it is better to cancel or transfer


This is a question that many business owners are very concerned about. It is easier to register a company now than before, but with more registered companies, the existing competition will become larger. Therefore, some companies will inevitably be at a disadvantage in the business competition. Disadvantages, or due to poor management due to its own reasons, the company cannot make profits. If the company becomes unprofitable and does not want to continue operating, many companies will choose to transfer the company or cancel the company. So for the company, it is better to transfer or cancel it. ?

Before making a choice of company transfer or cancellation, we need to know what the consequences will be if the company does not operate, is not deregistered, and is not transferred.

Here I would like to remind everyone that the consequences will be very serious. The commercial bureau will blacklist you, and it will be more difficult to register a company in the future. The bank will record personal bad credit behaviors and keep them for seven years, and you will be fined. Personal credit records Bad credit will also enter the credit investigation system, which will have an impact on my future bank loans and going abroad.

Next, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of company deregistration and transfer. After understanding these, we will not make mistakes when we make choices.

Let’s start with the pros and cons of company deregistration:

  1. The deregistration of the company will not leave bad records for corporate legal persons and shareholders, and will not affect the opening of new companies in the future.

  2. Now most companies choose to cancel because they have certain problems with taxation or industry and commerce. The transfer of such companies is more troublesome, because these problems are the responsibility of the corporate legal person.

  3. After the company is deregistered, it will completely cease to exist, and there will be no worries about the future.

  4. The registration period is long. Generally, it takes 4-6 months for normal cancellation. If you encounter tax problems, it will even take longer, which is very troublesome.

  5. Cancellation needs to be checked. If the company's accounts and taxes are not standardized, and there are problems such as tax evasion, the tax bureau will require tax payment or fines.

  6. If there are some domain names under the company's name, it will be more troublesome to deal with the ownership of the domain names when canceling.

  7. Deregistration needs to spend a certain amount of money, dealing with accounting and tax issues, publishing a newspaper announcement, liquidation and a series of complicated tasks.

  8. Assuming a limited company within the share of teaching, if the virgin shares are not in place, you need to make up for it.

Let's look at the pros and cons of transfer:

  1. The transfer period is short, basically it can be completed in one month.

  2. The transfer time of the company is fast. With the help of our agency company, it can be transferred out quickly through various channels.

  3. There is no cost for company transfer, on the contrary, you can get a transfer fee ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands according to your registered capital.

  4. There is no need to cancel various filings and certificates, and there is no need to worry about being blacklisted and starting a new business in the future.

After watching this video, should the company be transferred or canceled? Have you thought about it?

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