Hengqin World Bay Area Forum|Enabling Quality Consumption in a New Era Hengqin World Bay Area Forum Quality Consumption Sub-forum was successfully held


Changes in user consumption habits have made "high quality" synonymous with China's new consumption era. A group of industry companies are striving to seize the opportunity of "quality consumption" and striving to be the top in the high-quality consumption track with a scale of over 10 trillion yuan.

On December 1, the first China (Macau) International High-quality Consumer Expo and the Hengqin World Bay Area Forum, directed by Southern Finance and Economics All-Media Group and sponsored by 21st Century Business Review, sub-forum "Quality Leads New Ecological Consumption and Reconstructs New Value" It was successfully held in Hengqin, Zhuhai.

The forum is supported by think tanks and data provided by Nancai High-quality Consumer Research Institute, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) Financial Data Center, Nancai Financial Terminal, and invited a number of big names from the political, industrial, investment and academic circles, with a new perspective, Discussions will be carried out around the three key words of quality consumption, business model, and cross-border overseas travel.

The first China (Macau) International High-quality Consumer Expo and Hengqin World Bay Area Forum is organized by the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region, and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guided by Nam Kwong (Group) Co., Ltd., the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, and the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, and organized by Sands China Co., Ltd. and Nam Kwong International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd. As the first national all-media group approved by the central government, Southern Finance and Economics All-Media Group is the co-organizer of the forum.

Focus on Hengqin, talk about quality consumption

The implementation of the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone" has completed its anniversary, and its support for "Guangdong-Macao cooperation in building a high-quality imported consumer goods trading center and building a high-quality consumer goods trading industrial ecology" has gradually become effective.

Zhang Ge, deputy director of the Economic Development Bureau of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, said in his speech that the cooperation zone is playing the role of "accurate contact" for Portuguese-speaking countries in Macao, exploring the construction of a Sino-Portuguese international trade center, and building a commodity exchange to showcase international trade exchanges , research and build a trading center for high-quality imported consumer goods, create a platform for the exhibition and sales of high-quality domestic products, and build an ecological trading industry chain for high-quality consumer goods.

"Hengqin is a financial island, a technological island, a tourist island, an innovative island, and also a consumer island. The revision of the overall planning of the cooperation zone has been basically completed. We are focusing on the 'four new' industries, exploring and researching the extension of Macao's duty-free industry. To the cooperation zone, vigorously develop the duty-free economy and cross-border e-commerce, and drive the internationalization, standardization, and informatization of tourism consumption elements." Zhang Ge said.

Yu Xiaona, member of the editorial board of Southern Finance and Economics All-Media Group, editorial board member, and secretary-general of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Research Institute, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. She said that China has entered a new era of quality consumption, and mass consumption is at a critical moment of change, which contains unlimited commercial vitality and potential for gold digging.

This forum also invited a number of representatives of leading enterprises and institutions in the consumer industry to gather together to explore new ideas, new strategies, and new measures for high-quality development.

Kong Ying, dean of the Bay Area International Business School of Beijing Normal University, said, “It is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of domestic consumption; the expansion of consumption and domestic demand is inseparable from financial support, and further reform of finance will help the development of high-quality consumption; enterprises create demand, invest Unleash industrial demand, and cultivate a group of new entrepreneurs through the construction of a unified market.”

The central government proposed to focus on expanding domestic demand and enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. This has pointed out the direction for China's wine industry, including Ningxia, to expand wine consumption and develop high-quality industries.

Liu Xinyu, chairman of Ningxia International Wine Trading and Expo Center, said, "Insist on serving the national strategy, embodying the international vision, and shouldering the regional mission. By optimizing varieties, improving quality, and building brands, we will promote the upgrading of wine consumption from the supply side."

Zhang Yipeng, vice president of Yili Group, emphasized, "We must increase investment in innovative research and development on the basis of adhering to quality, and develop more innovative products with different functional types to meet the diversified health needs of different groups of people."

Deng Hongjun, senior vice president of Joyvio Group, introduced that after 10 years of development, Joyvio has derived four major sectors from the entire industry chain of blueberries: the entire industry chain of fruit and high-quality protein, the smart group meal ecology, and the innovation and collaboration platform.

Zhu Ruimin, marketing director of Zeiss Optics China, said that high-quality consumption means high-quality products and services. "We provide eye health management products and solutions throughout the life cycle, and hope to resonate with the industry at the same frequency and achieve win-win cooperation."

Brainstorming and teamwork, the collision of top wisdom

Consumption competitiveness is an important part of China's urban competitiveness. More and more cities in China attach importance to the cultivation and construction of consumption competitiveness, and some cities regard the cultivation of "international consumption center cities" as an important content.

The 21st Century Economic Research Institute has released two annual evaluation reports in 2019 and 2021, using nearly 100 subdivided indicators to objectively evaluate the construction effectiveness of more than 20 domestic cities. At this forum, the 21st Century Economic Research Institute released the "Evaluation Report on the Construction of International Consumption Center Cities (2022)", and 26 cities including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Suzhou, and Chongqing were included in the evaluation.

In order to better grasp the new opportunities for consumption upgrading and upgrading, this forum specially set up a session of "International Consumption Center Cities" session, inviting Yu Yusheng, acting chairman of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, member of the party group and deputy director of Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce Yue Yang, Shibang Zhong Lianjun, Head of Commercial Consulting of Nellies China, discussed new ideas to promote the construction of an international consumption center city.

Yu Yusheng mentioned that Macao is actively building a high-quality and efficient convention and exhibition industry system based on its geographical advantages. The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute will launch a new layout of comprehensive tourism in 2023 to boost the high-quality development of the convention and exhibition industry.

Yue Yang introduced that Hainan will give full play to the advantages of the free trade port policy, accelerate the pace of system innovation, attract the return of the three major consumptions of "shopping, education, and medical care", promote the construction of Hainan as an international tourism consumption center, and build a domestic and international dual cycle intersection.

During the roundtable dialogue, Du Hao, managing director of Country Garden Venture Capital, Zheng Zheng, partner of Maixing Investment, and other representatives of the investment community met with Jiang Zhaohui, CEO and CTO of Guangdong Yuefang Technology Co., Ltd., and Xu Hong, general manager of South China Region of Bilian Shengzhifa Medical Group Representatives of start-up companies attended and discussed "new momentum, new ecology, new value - sharing new opportunities for quality consumption".

Du Hao took Chinese-style health care and health products as an example, and pointed out that "Chinese-style consumption has huge growth potential." Zheng Zheng believes that using technological innovation as the underlying driver to bring new incremental consumer demand and solving unsatisfied consumer demand through technological innovation is one of the important consumption drivers.

Benchmark demonstration, innovation leads practice

In order to tap industry benchmarks, enhance the value of consumer companies, and help the vigorous development of China's consumer market, under the guidance of Southern Finance All Media Group, "21st Century Business Review" magazine, and Southern Finance High-quality Consumer Research Institute jointly launched the "Top Ten High-quality Consumer Products in 2022" "Innovation Cases" solicitation activity has received enthusiastic attention from enterprises or brands in many fields.

The selection is comprehensively evaluated from four dimensions: strategic indicators, innovation indicators, service indicators, and integration indicators. Through voting and scoring by experts, scholars, investment institutions, and authoritative media, combined with objective data, selected advantageous companies with distinctive highlights in terms of quality consumption case.

In the end, Yili Group's "Zero Carbon Future" plan, Shanghai Guijiu's "Thousands of Cities and Thousands of Enterprises" project, Zeiss Optical's full life cycle eye health management solution, Hisense TV's 99 Hey Shopping Festival integrated marketing communication, Shenzhou Car Rental Xpress, Feifei Ten cases stood out, including Crane Star Feifan Zhuorui, Yuanqi Forest Fiber Tea, No. 9 smart electric two-wheeler, Fotile high-energy bubble washing dishwasher, and Tims China Douyin full-case marketing.

"2022 Top Ten High-quality Consumption Innovation Cases" was released at the Quality Consumption Sub-forum of the Hengqin World Bay Area Forum. Representatives of some of the award-winning companies came to the forum site in Hengqin, Zhuhai, and discussed with government leaders, investment institutions, experts and scholars, Leading enterprises and mainstream media gathered together to discuss new trends, new tasks, new challenges and new models of economic brand development in the new economic era.

Yu Xiaona said that this year marks the first anniversary of the establishment of the Southern Finance and Economics High-quality Consumption Research Institute, and its purpose is to "promote the high-quality development of China's consumption and lead China's new consumption aesthetics". "We are not only observers of quality consumption upgrades, but also participants in building a quality consumption ecology with all the friends present. The successful holding of the quality consumption sub-forum of the Hengqin World Bay Area Forum is a beautiful new beginning."

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