How can a new store become a hit when it opens? Silk Road Appreciation and Star Scouts help attract the 'first wave of traffic'


Why are some new stores full of customers when they open, while others are really deserted? Simple two words - marketing! The opening of a new store is a good time for a physical business to do a good job in marketing. If the opening activities are done well, it determines the initial flow and subsequent customer flow, increasing exposure, increasing turnover, and accumulating customer flow! More and more brick-and-mortar merchants attach great importance to new store opening activities, and all kinds of discounts and preferential benefits are on the line. Therefore, many of them spend a lot of money on opening activities to attract traffic, and some even don’t hesitate to lose money to make money, just to Build popularity, accumulate customer capital, and create momentum for the new store.

1. Thinking before the new store builds momentum?

In fact, for the opening of a new store, for merchants, more considerations are:

When will the promotion of the new store start?

Which platforms should be preferred for the main promotion?

Which activities will attract consumers more?

How can we control the budget on the basis of ensuring the effect in the early stage?

Based on the needs of merchants, from the perspective of marketing and promotion:

Create a wave of momentum in advance, quickly pass the cold start period, and capture a wave of initial traffic first

At the same time of building popularity in the surrounding area, it needs to continue to spread and recruit a wider marketing circle

Prefer high-potential consumers. The purpose of doing activities is to target users, not to attract pure wool users. It is fundamental to retain customers and increase sales.

Precipitate the existing users in the private domain, create a complete closed loop of customer acquisition, and inject "vitality" into the business for a long time

To sum up, the purpose is to quickly and persistently expose, continuously reach new users, revitalize and retain old customers, and finally be able to continuously attract customers to the store, increase sales, and finally survive in this highly competitive marketing circle.

As for the new store opening marketing methods, enterprises choose nothing more than two types: offline and online.

Offline: ground push, banners, yelling, etc. are still used in some catering and beauty salon industries. When it comes to the greatest value, it may be the real scene and product experience, but factors such as geographical location, audience and even weather make it limited in breadth and depth. Moreover, the rate of return, cost, and marketing persistence cannot be controlled.

Online: Online, especially catering, will focus on promoting advertisements in circles of friends and nearby, but what we need to consider is how long this cycle should be controlled during the pre-heating and event period. After all, time determines your cost of advertising , coupled with the randomness of Moments advertisements and nearby tweets, it is up to you to take the initiative to discover them.

Based on the above difficulties and needs, Silk Road Zan scouting came into being. Silk Road Zan scouts are especially suitable for "new store opening", "anniversary celebrations" and "festival promotions" that require high traffic flow, helping merchants to increase customer flow to the store, increase exposure, and improve merchant infrastructure and taste , marketing, and selling capabilities.

2. How did Silk Road Zan scouts help the new store open to a good start?

1. The new store opens quickly through the cold start period, and the initial traffic is "captured" and accurately captured

We also mentioned earlier that the cold start period of new store opening is the most difficult. Need to think about:

How to reach a batch of demanding users in advance?

How to let users lock packages in advance and reach them in advance?

Explore the road before the store opens, and customize short videos to let users know about the new store in advance

Let's take catering as an example. In addition to the taste, the store environment, dish characteristics, and in-store services are all one of the reasons why users decide to go there. Of course, this is also one of the reasons why many Internet celebrity check-in shops are becoming more and more popular.

Create momentum in advance through short videos and live broadcasts. Silkroad Zan Xingcai helps enterprises build "online stores" on short video platforms such as Kuaishou, "move" offline stores online, and release the store environment, dish display, and special services in the form of short videos in advance. Detonate a wave of traffic. One point needs to be emphasized here: each video will also be regarded as an independent customer acquisition window, and the Silk Road Zan star scout applet will be mounted on it.

If you are interested in the content in the video, after knowing it in advance, you can directly grab coupons online in advance, buy them immediately, and wait for the new store to open and go to the store for verification.

Want to push to relevant users? Add corresponding food topic sticky notes and local event topics to the video, and the system will automatically push relevant demand users; want to let users display it when searching? It is also actively displayed in front of users who need it through sticky notes and related copywriting. Taken together, this video carries a closed transaction loop from exposure to monetization, and more importantly, this video is permanent. Guaranteed the introduction of passenger flow during the first wave of cold start period in the initial stage of the new store. At the same time, it will also be stored and displayed in the account and on the platform as materials for brand and store exposure.

2. The opening of the new store increases the exposure, infrastructure + talent effect, and quickly builds word of mouth

The new store has just opened. In addition to attracting traffic, it quickly established the reputation of the merchants, and the follow-up operation is even more critical. Silk Road praises scouts to help companies complete the basic construction of accounts and complete marketing components.

Blue V certification + account decoration, merchant exclusive certification + marketing component blessing

On the Internet, especially newly opened stores, we don’t know the specific information, but the blue V recognized by the platform and the regular basic account decoration have become a natural bonus. Coupled with the official Blue V certification, you can set the store address, contact information, etc., which is more professional.

More importantly, after helping the merchants to complete the certification, Silk Road Zan Xing Tan will mount experience tools, POI mounts, consultation forms, product pages, etc. on their homepages. A formal account with consultation conversion is initially Finish.

At present, Silk Road Zan Star Discovery has supported opening up the homepage to mount, and the product package can be directly transferred to the homepage. Interested users can directly complete the purchase here, and go offline to participate in the new store opening discount.

The video of the expert exploring the store quickly gained word of mouth for the opening of the new store

While obtaining official identity recognition, it is also necessary to obtain peer recognition. We cannot underestimate the influence of talents. After all, we have all seen that the influence of bloggers such as Xiaobei, Mizijun, Dalogo, Erbo, etc., is far less than that of celebrities. Of course, it is recommended that small and medium-sized merchants give priority to local shop explorers, after all, consumers are still mainly local users.

Silk Road praises scouts as the priority talent for merchants, and the talent personally goes to the store to test it and pass it on through video. This is also one of the most direct ways for a new store to quickly bring word of mouth.

3. Do a good job in product structure planning, match welfare funds + profit funds, and put group buying benefits on the shelves

One thing we need to know is that the opening of a new store cannot blindly engage in price wars, that is, the purpose of doing activities is to find accurate users, not to attract users who are pure wool. Therefore, Silk Road Zan scouts will base their structure on the products when the new store opens gender planning. At the same time, the merchant welfare flash sale fund and the main profit fund, the flash sale fund is to attract traffic, and the main profit fund is to attract customers.

The merchants in the mini program have many packages, and the details of the packages are introduced on the homepage. In addition, one of the panic points for users about new stores is whether there is hidden consumption. Therefore, on the merchant's package details page, explain the package activities in detail, eliminate the public's resistance and doubts about the new store, and attract people to the store more quickly.

Some merchants may have doubts, can users who have made purchases follow up? The backend of Silk Road Zan Xing scout provides order management function, and users who place an order through Silk Road Zan Xing scout can check it in the background, which is convenient for the collection of customer data, and also facilitates follow-up tracking and review.

Case Studies:

This is a hot pot restaurant in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang, which opened during the epidemic at the beginning of the year. Due to external factors, the offline customer flow is low, and the traditional local promotion method is far from feasible. In addition, the store considers the cultivation of the store's long-term popularity and attaches great importance to short videos. The thermal effect is very small, but they are still well aware of the general trend of short video marketing. So, after the introduction, we used Silk Road Zan scouts to start the first stop of the new store opening.

At the beginning of getting the account, we conducted an account infrastructure test and found that it existed:

Issues such as unauthenticated accounts, unfocused videos, and lack of marketing components. Based on the above questions:

  1. Turn on the blue V authentication for the account to ensure the standardization and authority of the account;

  2. Complete the infrastructure such as account marketing components and customer acquisition components. One is to put it on the shelves in the scout applet, which will first lead to a wave of traffic for the store. Come to this new store and learn about the basics.

  3. Created a number of short videos, which were displayed from the dimensions of store environment, service characteristics, and taste evaluation of the store, and contacted Xiao Qiao, a well-known local store explorer, to evaluate the new store to ensure multi-dimensional display and enhance consumers' awareness of " Awareness and trust of the "new store", a strong push stream exposure;

  4. Videos are uploaded, homepage applets are put on shelves, group buying packages are displayed through multiple channels and the exclusive package applet page is involved. Because it is a new store, users may pay more attention to the location, store decoration, etc., so place a picture that highlights the location and store in the first picture to avoid "misidentification".

  5. Adhering to the product structure combination of new store opening drainage models + main products, attracting new fans for new stores + accumulating high-intent consumption fans.

Through a month of new store marketing, the order volume of the month was 100+, and the verification rate of the store was 40%! At the same time, it also laid a good foundation for the new store to gain popularity in the local area.

Of course, the above marketing ideas are also applicable to users in other local life service industries such as beauty and skin care, massage, washing and care, and homestay. For the opening of a new store, the key is to quickly build brand awareness and build momentum marketing. Through the one-stop marketing closed-loop operation of Silk Road Zanxing, we will comprehensively improve the infrastructure, product construction, marketing and sales capabilities of physical stores. The above is today’s sharing of the advantages of Silk Road Zan scouts on the opening of new stores. If you are also interested, please contact us.

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