Qin Xuwen: 10 Million-Worth Thoughts from We Media (Part 2)


The sixth is the community, because everyone knows that in the future, there will be more and more small circles. People you know and people who have the same hobbies as you will gather together for a certain reason. This is the future community. , In the community, it is no longer a group leader who speaks, and more people obey, but based on a certain goal, everyone's wish to achieve, not a single talk, but a brainstorming.

In this community, everyone is looking for growth, yes, growth, spiritual growth, knowledge cultivation, talent growth, and interest growth. The meaning of this community's existence is to contribute value, because a certain The existence of the theme, and the continuous output of value, there may be no chat, no nonsense, but there must be valuable existence, and this point of existence is communication.

I once wrote a book called "Community Marketing is the Most Profitable Game". You can still find it. It was published by Posts and Telecommunications Press, but I don't recommend you to buy it. Why? Because the community in that book is outdated, including all the books on community that are on the market today, are also outdated.

The so-called various requirements are nonsense. To really make the community well, you need two points, one is people, and the other is usable value. How many people can you gather and how much usable value can you provide to everyone? You can make a really great community, it's that simple.

Those who talk about the community that are very complicated, just ignore it, don't look at it, you have value, if you have someone, you can do a good job in the community.

When a person can form a community, and can make the community successful, then he can be said to be a successful community leader.

The seventh is eloquence, that is to say, you have to be able to say, when you have a community, how do you gather everyone, how do you gather everyone's hearts together through your own ability, not just say, I It is here to make soy sauce, then there is no use for it, and you lose the meaning of being a community. For ordinary people, the community can be said to be the only way to achieve a counterattack in the next few years.

Even if you don't want to be a community, if you have eloquence, you can do many things with half the effort. Some people regard sophistry as eloquence and think that having a three-inch tongue is eloquence, but in fact it is the opposite. Sales, good eloquence, and sophistry are two concepts. One of the most important criteria for good eloquence is to be able to understand what you say. Now you look around, there are not many people who can understand what you say. You can understand what you say. This is Eloquence, being able to explain things in the shortest words is good eloquence!

Want to practice eloquence, how to do it?

Some people say that I don’t know how to speak, and I’m afraid of giving speeches in front of many people. In fact, I still speak less. If I speak every day, there will be no such thing as bad eloquence. Some people ask, how can I exercise well? Is there a way?

Speaking of which, there is really one, you can refer to it. Look at what topics are on the Internet every day, then write an outline based on the topic, and then prepare a 5-minute speech. It will be difficult at the beginning, but gradually you will find that the more It's easier because you're skilled at it.

I used to use this method to force myself to give speeches. At first, I told myself to listen to it, and then I went offline to talk to companies. I also made money by this method, and also won a lot of honors, and I also won the top 100 in the country. The title of lecturer has become a special lecturer of many training companies!

And now I'm still practicing this skill, that is, I post videos on Toutiao every day. I answer a small question with a one-minute explanation, and keep the speech smooth and coherent at all times.

The eighth is writing. Some people have a headache when they hear writing. The most annoying thing in their life is writing. You are killing me. In fact, writing is not that difficult. If you want to learn to write, it is also very simple. Some people may have already Guess it, yes, just write more.

But some people really can't do it. They go to school and graduate from elementary school and have never written a composition. What should I do? The only way to do it is to rewrite it. Someone else wrote it. Okay, yes, you can just follow it. , write it out in your own words, don't think it's embarrassing, even doctoral students do it now, don't believe it, whoever was hired as the president of Baidu just stole the concepts in the book, and then let a lot of them The novice desperately waved the flag and shouted, that's true, I haven't seen how great the corporate marketing is, and it's a skill to sell myself.

The ninth is to use the good people as role models. Simply put, if you want to be good, then you must be in the company of people who are worse than you. You are very powerful, but in fact you are going down. Only if you feel stupid all the time, you have a sense of urgency and want to learn, then you can make progress every day.

So go to the great people more, the information you receive is enough for you to think about and learn. If you don’t know where to learn, go straight to the headlines, and find people who have more fans than you in the field to follow, and see what value they have. It is much better than figuring it out on your own. It saves time, improves efficiency, and it is possible to become friends. This can be called high-quality social networking, and you deserve it.

That's what I did. I was doing self-media, catching up one by one, first 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, 60,000,

The tenth is to make money. You have tossed so much, if you don’t earn a penny to the end, it is actually equivalent to playing for nothing. You must understand that the purpose of improving yourself is to form a community, and the meaning of being a community lies in Contribute value, then contribute value, others have to pay for value, to pay for value, you have to pay, if no one is willing to pay for you, then unfortunately, your things are worthless, so no one is willing to pay, it's that simple .

Even if you have a prescription to treat stomach pain, I happen to have a stomachache right now, and then I find you, you sell me the prescription, I take it, and the pain goes away immediately, I will be very grateful to you, at this time, you say You now have a community of patients with stomach pains. You can join by paying an annual fee of 99. In the future, as long as you have stomach pains, you can get medicines for free, and there will be red envelopes. Will I be particularly willing to go? ?

In fact, any business model has different names. In the end, it all comes down to one thing. What I want, you have, you are the person I want.

The above are the ten points I summed up, if you use these 10 points to get a million, then it is worth a million, if you don't get a penny, then it is worthless, the factor that determines whether it is worth it is up to you , not in the method.

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