Carry out festive market inspections to ensure market safety and stability


On October 1st, Gao Shanwu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, led a team to Chengyang District to supervise and inspect farmers' markets, pharmacies, special cold chain warehouses for epidemic prevention and control, and the creation of a national civilized model city. Li Jie, member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Wang Chengjun, deputy head of the Chengyang District Government, and Wang Hongjun, secretary of the party group and director of the Chengyang District Market Supervision Bureau, were accompanied.

The supervision team first came to the farmers' market on Huaguan Road in the High-tech Zone to check the market sanitation, infrastructure, request for certificates and tickets, and temperature measurement by scanning codes. real" work. Gao Shanwu visited the comrades of the grassroots offices and market watchers who were conducting market inspections and supervision, and had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the market launching unit to learn more about the market operation. Gao Shanwu emphasized that the large flow of people during the festival is the key point of epidemic prevention and control. We must not relax and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and strictly implement the code of "every entry must be scanned", "every scan must be inspected" and "every difference must be reported" Take other prevention and control measures, and stick to the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control to ensure that nothing goes wrong. In terms of market transformation and upgrading, it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of state-owned enterprises in the construction and operation of farmers' markets, strengthen public welfare attributes, actively seek the support of the Chengyang District Government and the High-tech Zone Management Committee, further improve the level of farmers' market service management, and provide services for the lives of surrounding people. Better services for the convenience and benefit of the people.

The supervision team inspected Tongfang Pharmaceutical Jingyue Plaza Store and Yihetang Pharmacy along the way, and supervised the implementation of the “site code” scanning code inspection, “five types of drugs” registration reports, and “every inspections” of practitioners. Strictly implement various measures for epidemic prevention and control, and effectively give full play to the role of pharmacies as "sentinels".

Afterwards, the supervision team came to Chengyang Ocean Brothers centralized supervision warehouse for inspection, listened to the report of the supervision team in the warehouse, retrieved the monitoring video playback and checked the implementation of the "three centralized and one isolation" management measures and the situation of humanistic care. Gao Shanwu fully affirmed the supervision work of the warehouse in Chengyang District, and expressed his condolences to the cadres who stick to their posts during the festival. Gao Shanwu demanded that they must make persistent efforts, perform their duties with due diligence, and tighten their regulatory responsibilities. Enterprises must strictly implement their main responsibilities, ensure safe, standardized and efficient operation, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety.

Liu Yuanlong, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, led the team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work of pharmacies during the National Day, and reviewed in detail the pharmacies' implementation of "door-to-door temperature measurement and code scanning inspection" and "five types of drugs" real-name registration and information reports for drug purchases implementation of the system. Pharmacies are required to strictly implement the "five types of drugs" real-name registration and information reporting system for drug purchases, the "early reporting" system for fever patients, the "exhaustive inspection" system for nucleic acid testing of pharmacy staff, and the "wearing masks, body temperature, and health codes" system. and other epidemic prevention and control measures, and resolutely guard the pharmacy epidemic prevention and control position. Market supervision departments at all levels in the city should continue to carry out supervision and inspection of pharmacy epidemic prevention and control, consolidate the main responsibilities of pharmacies and departmental supervision responsibilities, and guide and urge pharmacies to implement various measures for epidemic prevention and control.

Teng Anzheng, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, led the heads of relevant departments to carry out special inspections in Licang District around the theme of "removing hidden dangers, ensuring safety, and welcoming the 20th National Congress". The inspection team adopted the method of "Four Nos and Two Straights", checked the risk management and control of 3 enterprises and the operation of safe production work on the spot, and held discussions with the person in charge of the enterprise. It is required to immediately investigate and correct the safety production problems and hidden dangers found in the inspection to ensure that the problems are quickly and effectively solved. It is necessary to take the opportunity of special supervision and inspection to ensure that all problems are rectified in a timely manner, and make every effort to do a good job of safety and stability, so as to convene for the victory of the 20th Party Congress. Create a good security environment.

The Municipal Market Supervision and Law Enforcement Detachment dispatched 2 teams of staff to carry out special law enforcement inspections on the festival market, further standardize the order of the city's tourism consumption market, strictly abide by the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control, and ensure the safety of special equipment. A total of 14 operating units of various types were inspected and "risk warnings were issued". Notice" 13 copies. For the problems found, law enforcement officers have urged on-site rectification immediately.

Contributed by: Farmers Market, Drug Market, etc.

Editor in charge : Ren Hengzhi and Wang Yuqi

Reviewer: Xing Bin Wang Jun



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