How do companies use soft text marketing to promote their brands


Brand maintenance refers to a series of maintenance measures for enterprises to maintain their brand image in the face of changes in the external environment, so as to maintain a stable position of the enterprise and protect the brand influence.

Under the background of the rapid development of the Internet today, the speed of information dissemination is amazing, and the influence of the Internet on the brand is expanding. This influence may be positive or negative. Therefore, in the process of enterprise growth, It is particularly important to maintain the brand in a timely manner.

Moreover, in the promotion process of the enterprise, the soft article marketing has greatly affected the image of the enterprise, and played a role in maintaining the brand image of the enterprise.

So, how to use soft text marketing to promote the brand?

  1. Accelerate news release and deliver effective information

The Internet is an important window for users to understand brands. Information is two-way in network marketing. Enterprises transmit information to users through the network, and users can also obtain information through the network. The two-way transmission of the network makes it easier to improve brand awareness and industry status.

In this way, high-quality content can be continuously output through various network channels, the efficiency of information transmission can be improved, and the positive reports of the brand can be increased. Through these contents, users can understand the brand information, deepen the understanding of the business attributes of the enterprise, and lay the foundation for the establishment of the brand image of the enterprise.

  1. Strengthen user communication and create a good atmosphere of public opinion

Timely interaction and communication between brands and users can improve brand stickiness and market value. With the development of the Internet, more and more people are looking for brand-related content on the Internet, and the content displayed on the Internet will affect users' perception of the brand.

Creating a good public opinion environment is an important way to improve user awareness. It is necessary to continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of brand publicity, give full play to the role of the media marketing platform, strengthen the positive publicity of corporate brand and image, and form a mainstream public opinion environment conducive to the healthy development of enterprises through good public opinion guidance and information services , to create a good public opinion environment for the development of the enterprise, so as to achieve the purpose of maintaining the brand image.

  1. Cultivate awareness of brand crisis public relations

In the face of a crisis, companies will regret not doing public relations in a down-to-earth manner. Some business owners think that the promotion of press releases seems to be a good thing. I have invested a lot of money, and I can't see any customers coming. There is little or no investment. Only When the crisis came, I thought of doing brand maintenance.

2. How does the enterprise send the soft paper to the website media platform?

  1. Own platform

The company's own platform includes corporate website, corporate blog, corporate official WeChat, corporate internal journal, etc. Enterprise news can be released through these platforms, but these platforms are the enterprise's own platform after all, and the dissemination power and influence are relatively weak. Sometimes major news may also be edited by the media to form a dissemination effect.

  1. Public relations companies, advertising companies

Generally, large-scale group companies will sign their own public relations companies to make suggestions for their own brand communication. Some advertising companies also do this. In short, such companies will have an overall plan, and may have a beautiful PPT and a novel The disadvantage of the idea may be that the cost is relatively high, and the general enterprise cannot afford it. In fact, another point is that the implementation of the planned idea is difficult.

In many cases, the planning of large public relations and advertising companies is planning (this is the work before signing the contract), and the execution is the work done by other departments (the work that is only involved after the signing of the contract), or it may be subcontracted to network communication companies and media again. room, publishing platform. Therefore, the person who planned the plan did not know the execution in detail, and may not have done it. He did not know what strange problems would occur during the execution.

  1. Network marketing agencies, network communication companies

With the development and maturity of the Internet, a number of network marketing companies, or network communication companies, have grown up. For more than ten years, they have focused on network marketing and news advertisment communication, accumulated a large number of first-hand media resources, and integrated many years of network marketing. Work experience, combining press release and search optimization, makes the effect of news dissemination more direct and clear.

At present, many customers are interested in the display after search, and key keywords can appear on the home page. In addition, long-term press release and press release promotion work can optimize long-tail keywords in batches.

  1. News media studio, self-service platform for publishing articles

In addition to well-known public relations companies and network communication companies in the public relations industry, there is also a media studio, which generally does not engage in any planning and planning, just simple proxy distribution. In the beginning, it was a studio without a company, and now many have also registered as companies. , and more powerful people have integrated a resource platform that can recharge and place orders.

The advantage of this form is that it simplifies a lot of processes, but the disadvantage is that it lacks overall planning, and the effect may be difficult to achieve just by publishing the manuscript. In addition, the public relations manager of the company often does not know what media is good, and may know some big portal websites, but the specific implementation of those The media is good, only the media managers and marketing consultants who regularly operate the media know it best. Therefore, this kind of platform is still suitable for media managers of public relations companies, but not very suitable for public relations managers of enterprises. Of course, if the public relations manager has been the media manager of Party B, it is another matter.

Another point is that news dissemination is a flexible job. It needs a media manager to coordinate the media release according to the situation of the day. It is not the best solution to choose certain media, because there will always be some media. No, these require media managers to be flexible. The recharge platform is process-based and relatively rigid. In fact, it is not suitable for large-scale communication work, and there are many cases of rejected manuscripts after recharge. It's not worth wasting time on such trivial things when you're so busy.

  1. Self-built media relations

Self-established media relations means that the public relations manager directly connects with the media, maintains a good relationship with the reporters and editors on the media side, usually let the media distribute articles on behalf of the media, and invite the media to report on market events. This is a more traditional way of public relations. The advantage is that it may be more convenient to invite the media to the scene. The disadvantage is that the public relations manager cannot maintain many media, and only single-digit media can be maintained in this way.

  1. Business News Service

When it comes to press releases, commercial news agencies are also an important camp. Many companies publish press releases in these institutions. The advantages of this camp are that the media have a wide range of coverage, but they have also used such institutions when they were Party A. The media There are not many good sites, and the correspondents of the news agency also wondered why so many are not included. Later, I realized that many of them are sites created by individuals. Although they are called XX News Network, they seem to be local news sites, but they are essentially personal websites or small websites. The company's own business information station. There are many such media, but the quality of the communication is not good, and the effect of communication is destined to be greatly reduced. Therefore, when publishing news in a news agency, it is necessary to review the media and control the inclusion rate.

The Small Marketing Collective | MktLab

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