How to drive traffic to Taobao's new store


To operate a store well, we need store traffic. A reasonable store traffic layout can drive a steady increase in store traffic. The current traffic is mainly divided into two types of traffic, the first is paid traffic, and the second is natural traffic. How does Taobao's new store drive traffic?

Taobao new store promotion can use Paipaiwo alliance for promotion. CPS is a pay-per-transaction promotion tool, which is an important way for merchants to break through zero and accumulate basic sales. The Paipaiwo Alliance is promoted by the big data information flow or the head of the group, and the buyer pays a certain percentage of the commission. Take a commission. effective.

How to set up the Paipaiwo alliance:

Enter the official website of, click to log in. If you have no account, you can register first and then log in as shown below.

Log in to the background, you must first recharge to create a new plan.

After entering the promotion background, click: plan management--new plan and submit

After the new plan is completed, click on the advertisement management--new advertisement and submit

How to drive traffic to Taobao's new store


  1. Grasp the time when Taobao is on and off the shelves

In Taobao rules, the sooner the baby is removed from the shelves, the higher the search ranking. We can set the baby's shelf time to 7 days to increase the baby's exposure and bring traffic to the newly opened store. At the same time, the treasures of the store are grouped, and the main products are put on the shelves separately, so as to ensure that there is a flow of goods into the store at different times.

  1. Optimize baby title keywords

Buyers usually search for keywords in the search bar to find the products they need, so the search traffic is more accurate. Sellers can use Taobao to search for long-tail words in the drop-down box, and then combine related words and attribute words to formulate baby titles that meet the needs of users, thereby bringing traffic to the store.

  1. Do some store promotions as appropriate

As a new store, it is impossible for us to participate in large-scale promotional activities, but we can choose some small activities to attract customers, satisfy customers' preferential psychology, and increase the traffic of the store. Try to choose a baby with a relatively high cost performance for promotional activities, otherwise it will affect the after-sales service, reduce the overall situation of the store, and affect the flow effect of the store.

  1. More communication, more friends

Opening an online store must be active. Generally, the traffic of newly opened stores is relatively small. You can start with the people around you, recommend the store to friends and relatives, let them buy first, and then ask them to give their opinions to find out the shortage of the store. place to improve.

Now you know how Taobao's new store is driving traffic. When Taobao's store just opened, it's normal to have no traffic. Sellers should not worry too much, but you can use this time to optimize the product evaluation data to improve the conversion rate in the future. Prepare.

  1. Event Marketing

The online marketing of Taobao stores also needs the support of the flow of people. Therefore, low-cost promotions are the most common way to attract traffic, such as issuing coupons, 9.9 yuan for free shipping, etc., attracting new users with low prices, and even old users will play the role of new users.

This kind of price war seems to be at a loss for Taobao merchants, but according to Taobao merchants, the cost of acquiring customers is now high, and the cost of using event marketing is much lower. Therefore, low-cost drainage is not an effective method.

Now what we can mainly control is the wireless search traffic. This part of the traffic is mainly divided into two types. The first is to manually pull the traffic, and then use the through train and the platform outside the station to assist. The first is in line with the search. characteristic, that is, generally does not change.

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