What are the common network marketing promotion methods


There are many specific methods of network marketing, such as search engine marketing promotion, soft text marketing, community marketing, Q&A marketing, short video marketing, etc. Specific methods of internet marketing can also be deeply categorized in a number of different ways. For example, according to whether the company creates a website or not, the specific methods of Internet marketing are divided into non-website marketing and Internet marketing relying on the company's website. Here are ten specific Internet marketing methods.

One of the most commonly used methods of network promotion: SEO

SEO is search engine optimization, that is, by enriching the structural characteristics of the company's website (internal link structure characteristics, physical structure characteristics, logical structure), high-quality, high-quality topic content, in-depth optimization of relevant external links, so that the company's website can be more effective for customers and searchers. The engine is more friendly, which leads to a superior ranking in the search engine and brings data traffic to the company website. PPC refers to the purchase of advertising space on search results pages for marketing and promotion purposes. Various search engines have released their own advertising systems, but in different forms. The advantage of search engine advertising is relevancy, because ads only appear on search recommendation results or on related topic-style web pages. To sum up, advertising on search engines is more reasonable than traditional advertising and can achieve higher customer conversion rates.

The second commonly used network promotion method: soft text marketing

Press release marketing is the core of enterprise network marketing promotion, and the importance of press release marketing is self-evident. Because advertisment is the source of advertising creativity, blog marketing, forum marketing, and Weibo marketing are still advising marketing in essence, but the release channels and the external expressions of advertisment are changed. Advantages marketing has the advantages of low cost of investment and quick returns, and the published advertorial information is retained on the Internet for a long time, and it is available as you check it out. When a company has long-term advertising without advertisment promotion, there will be a lack of brand word of mouth, and the traffic introduced by advertisements is difficult to sell. At this time, cooperating with advertorial marketing will be a multiplier for the overall online promotion effect.

Press release marketing still needs to rely on professional press release platforms. Now there are many press release providers. Choosing a professional press release platform can help companies save a lot of time and costs. There are many media resources on the promotion platform, covering many high-quality portal websites and authoritative media in China. While ensuring the high quality of resources, it also ensures the absolute advantage of price in the market.

The third commonly used network promotion method: community marketing

The characteristics of QQ groups and WeChat groups are precise. Many people have communication and communication requirements, and they usually choose to join the group. If you establish a QQ group and rank the group keywords, then you can get a steady stream of customers once and for all afterwards. Naturally, the more intense the market competition, the more intense the market competition in the QQ group ranking. However, because the members of the QQ group are all entered into the group based on keyword searches, the accuracy of customers is very high. Naturally, you need to be able to collaborate with some WeChat group owners and let the WeChat group owners help you manage and promote marketing to the QQ group. Or you can rent a group that is already very high in the rankings, which is faster.

The fourth commonly used network promotion method: sem

sem refers to Baidu search engine paid promotion, that is, click-to-pay marketing that everyone often talks about. If your operation is reasonable, legal, and compliant, you can communicate with Baidu search market sales anytime and anywhere to activate your company account, and you can publish it after approval and payment. This kind of brand promotion method is a kind of marketing method widely used by various Internet companies nowadays. It is characterized by rapid effect and relatively high input-output rate. The disadvantage is that you want your company to have a high gross profit margin. If the profit is very low, it is not recommended to use this type of brand promotion method.

Five of the commonly used network promotion methods: information flow promotion

These two years are the golden stage of the outbreak of information flow advertising, and various brand promotion companies must take this opportunity well. The key information flow advertisements are Toutiao, Tencent official, Baidu search, UC, Douyin short video, Phoenix and other service platforms. Although the information flow also has a certain accuracy, but in the end the accuracy is relatively limited, if your funds are not enough, or the field is not very profitable, it is not recommended to carry out this kind of marketing method.

Commonly used network promotion method six: Baidu Encyclopedia marketing

Doing Internet technology branding, if you don't build Baidu Encyclopedia for well-known brands, you will usually be considered very unprofessional. Baidu Encyclopedia, especially Encyclopedia, has gained the trust of many netizens based on years of experience and accumulation. Many news media use the expressions in Encyclopedia in many cases when reporting relevant news. It is not difficult to see the truth of Baidu Encyclopedia. Spend. Building an exclusive Baidu Baike for the corporate brand is the first step to enhance the trust of netizens. Common Baidu Encyclopedia service platforms include: Encyclopedia, 360 Encyclopedia, Sogou Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, and Interactive Encyclopedia.

Seven of the commonly used network promotion methods: self-media marketing

We-media marketing mainly uses we-media platforms such as Weibo, Toutiao, Sohu, Phoenix, and Baijiahao to effectively infiltrate people's lives. Toutiao aims to build a good content ecological platform. It is the most active position for self-media people and the self-media platform with the largest traffic at present. Through a powerful intelligent recommendation algorithm, high-quality content will gain more exposure, and with the help of headline ads and self-operated ads, it is more possible to realize the value of the settled media from the media. Weibo can not only do judging brand promotion marketing, but also can do supervised quantitative analysis of actual effect marketing, the difference only depends on whether the connection is embedded in the content. There are several ways of actual operation of Weibo, the common ones are: shaping the big V, and then carrying out precise fan marketing; shaping the Sina Weibo drainage matrix, and then closely surrounding the field to conduct Sina Weibo drainage matrix marketing.

The eighth common way of network promotion: Q&A marketing

Question-and-answer marketing is a key way of Internet technology brand promotion, and it is also an important part of user evaluation marketing. Many companies are marketing based on questions and answers, allowing many netizens to hear and know themselves, thereby causing transactions. How to do brand promotion? Common Q&A marketing service platforms include: Baidu Q&A, 360 Q&A, Sogou Q&A, Zhihu, Wukong Answers, Zhihu Forum and Q&A websites for technical professionals in various fields. There are two common practical operations, such as self-publishing and asking someone to send it on behalf of others.

Nine commonly used network promotion methods: community forum marketing

Community forum marketing is a "long history" marketing method, but its actual marketing effect is still great. Until now, some well-known forums will continue to cause many hot topics. Common community forums include Tianya Community, Tieba Baidu, Xici Hutong, and Douban Forum. Community forum marketing can send messages in groups, and can also be carried out in the way of overhead.

Ten of the most commonly used online promotion methods: short video marketing

The popularity of short videos is believed to be obvious to all. The marketing value of short videos is far more than user traffic dividends. Its own characteristics determine its advantages such as wide adaptability, large carrying capacity, and strong dissemination.

Behind every video self-media KOL, there is an energy magnetic field. People with common labels will gather together because of interests, hobbies, and concerns. When they find their own fans and traffic, they also find a channel to communicate with target users, which can quickly enhance brand awareness and trust. (wide adaptability)

Short video marketing takes place in a specific scene, with real people going abroad, real expressions, and real emotions. It is no longer simply implanted, but produces original content around the original style of the product/brand and self-media, and delivers it natively, which can more completely display the brand/product and arouse resonance and discussion among users. (wide adaptability)

Short video content is easy to produce, easy to share, and the production cost is low and the production cycle is short, which has changed the difficulty of large-scale use and diffusion of pain points in traditional video marketing. The emergence of high-quality PUGC content creators has given brands/products thousands of people the opportunity to interpret them, allowing brands to focus on voice and form topics in a short period of time. (large load capacity)

Users watch more than 30 short videos a day, and Douyin Kuaishou even watches more than 100 short videos, and they watch an average of 60 minutes a day. Therefore, the so-called fat tail is that users will stay there for a lot of time, which will become very valuable for enterprises to invest. If the enterprise can make the corresponding delivery according to the user's language, it can accumulate a large number of users. (strong spread)

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