How to promote corporate news sources


2022 News Feed Promotion: How to do Internet Marketing for Enterprises Reprinting is the source of massive news on the Internet, also known as the "seed source" of Internet news. It has the characteristics of fast collection, wide reprint and so on. And articles published through news feeds can be authoritative and credible. It is a good way for companies to quickly open up the market. Newsfeeds are not short of traffic, nor are they short of content. So many news source sites do not cooperate with external parties. So how do you find news sources? How much does a news release cost?

Baidu, Sogou, 360 and other news sources have their own news source inclusion standards. As the leader of the four major search engines, Baidu has the most authoritative websites, including the four major portal websites (,,, Internet), but also traditional media, integrated portals, government/institutional websites, vertical industry portals, etc. According to the value judgment, those who meet the standards will be included in the news source, and it is the basic standard to have news editing ability, high originality and high quality. The price resources published by the news feed are different, and the prices are different. If it is less, it may be about 50 yuan to publish an article, and the price of media resources with high weight and high quality will be relatively high, which may be hundreds of yuan or thousands.

Today's news sources have become one of the important modes for companies to promote their brands and products, which can spread information virally. Generally speaking, articles published by news sources have a certain popularity, not only ranking after being included, but also being recognized by netizens. It can be used by companies or individuals to increase awareness, and can be used to attract crowd participation and increase sales before new products are launched. The release channels of news sources can be divided into two types: press conferences and self-publishing.

Press conferences are common in large enterprises or major events. This kind of media has a wide range. The press conference needs to rent a venue and cooperate with a large number of people to complete it, which is more expensive and difficult to operate. If you hire a professional press conference team to plan, the cost will be even higher.

The release of news sources is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to publish independently, and the requirements for manuscripts are relatively low. They can intersperse the company's advertisements in the press releases, and can choose from a variety of media resources. If the company does not have its own media resources. We can choose professional press release platforms to operate, such as promotion platforms, including authoritative CCTV, Xinhua, People’s Daily, etc., China’s four well-known portal websites, as well as Toutiao, Toutiao, and Xiaohongshu. The newly emerging self-media platform, the national large-scale commercial portal website and vertical media have everything. Help enterprises to achieve mass news coverage on the entire network and quickly increase brand awareness.

  1. The way of publishing is the same

Press releases and press releases are mostly used for commercial purposes. For example, a brand needs to publish an article on authoritative media to endorse the brand. Then, it is necessary to find channels to help promote soft articles on designated authoritative media websites or make news releases in the form of news, so as to bring awareness and credibility to corporate brand promotion.

Second, the transmission method is the same

Press release promotion and news release are both disseminated by a combination of text and pictures. With the help of media dissemination, based on the amount of display, the process is based on article release, article collection, article ranking and multiple presentations.

So how exactly are they different?

  1. Different purposes

Ads promotion is the use of text to package advertising information to promote and attract traffic. The nature of soft article promotion advertisements is mostly. Press release exists in the form of news and has authority and credibility. The main function of the press release is to increase the exposure of the brand in order to expand the brand awareness and credibility. A little attention should be paid here, the content of the news release should not have obvious advertisements, let alone contact information.

  1. Different release channels

Press release channels include local media portals, third-party industry portals, commercial media, WeChat, Weibo, blogs, and major self-media platforms. In addition to the channels for the promotion and release of press releases above, news release channels can also publish articles on some key news source websites and large portal websites. It can be said that the range of release channels for news releases is larger than that of press releases.

  1. The nature of the subject is different

The promotion of soft articles takes corporate brand, corporate culture, and corporate services as the main body of promotion, and the main body is more of an advertising nature. Of course, the promotion of soft articles requires very good writers to achieve the advertising effect of "moisturizing and silent". The news release is based on facts, and the content of the report must be real events.

Through the introduction of the above points, I believe that you have a certain understanding of press release promotion and news release. In order to achieve the marketing effect of corporate publicity in this regard, you need to choose a suitable platform for corporate publicity to publish.

This article introduces the news source and the price of the news source. When enterprises use news sources to promote, they can choose according to their own needs. It is a relatively stable promotion method. You can try it for corporate promotion.

Learn more about marketing information: Baidu search promotion platform! Professional network promotion team (ranking of network promotion channels in the whole network) press release platform focuses on news press release, soft text writing, soft text marketing and other services, first-hand network news media promotion platform, multi-dimensional advertising The main and media editors are directly connected to provide enterprises with network-wide marketing services such as soft writing, news source publishing, and soft writing.

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