What effect can a brand achieve through portal news promotion?


Everyone has a fixed circle of thought. When dealing with new things, if you have something in common with your own thinking circle, it is easy to accept; otherwise, you will be rejected. If you want to quickly achieve network-wide marketing, you must use the right method to achieve this goal. Published in soft form.

01. Dig into your own purpose and components

Press release promotion platform + Baidu screen drainage + whole network marketing and promotion A successful soft article marketing case is mainly composed of two parts: article content and delivery channels.

The content of the article determines whether users can read the article, and the communication channel determines how many people can see your article.

In the context of the Internet, information is time-sensitive, and press releases must be disseminated quickly and widely to be effective. If you want to use press releases to move the earth, you must have a fulcrum, and this fulcrum is the channel of communication.

Press release marketing, first of all to determine what the purpose of publishing this soft article is, whether it needs to promote the product, or to shape the company's brand image, or to establish Baidu Encyclopedia needs reference materials and so on.

For different purposes, the selected promotion channels are also different.

If it is to shape the company's brand image, publishing news feed media is the best choice.

02. Leverage powerful media resources

The real promotion of advertising must rely on powerful media resources. In fact, in the current environment where the Internet is becoming more and more popular, consumers often look for relevant brand information through online searches before purchasing certain products. Only when they see various brand promotion messages can they buy products with more confidence.

Therefore, in order to improve the effect of advertising, enterprises need to integrate different media resources, select media in an all-round and targeted manner, select a certain number of authoritative media and industry media, and realize the simultaneous release of advertisements. Make a fuss for the industry, make the brand occupy an important position in the peer media and search engines for a long time, attract a large number of users' attention, so as to better cover the target audience and enhance the brand influence.

03. Selection of promotion channels for soft articles

If you want to quickly achieve network-wide marketing, it may not be difficult to choose a promotion channel for press releases. The difficulty lies in how to quickly find the desired media channel.

For example, automobile articles need to be published on the automobile industry website. First of all, you need to know which automotive sites can publish manuscripts and how much authority.

Secondly, compare prices, whether the media includes inclusion, what are the review requirements... After these preparations are completed, it may be earlier than the golden period of publication. If the price, weight, release time and other information of relevant media resources can be quickly obtained, the time cost will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Create the content of the article according to the publication requirements of the selected media, and then arrange the publication time according to the publication time of the media, and the marketing effect will be multiplied with half the effort!

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