How to do network marketing promotion in the housekeeping industry


With the progress of the times and the popularization of Internet information, the network has become a necessity of our human life. In today's Internet age, more and more ways to expand customers emerge one after another, but most practitioners do not know how to choose, how to use this way to expand customers to help domestic service companies obtain a large number of customers?

Internet-promoted housekeeping services are not that simple. First, our clients are unique. If they are not interested in the first sentence of your online promotion, the mouse in his hand will definitely click off immediately. Therefore, our online promotion should actually pay more attention to the needs and refinement of customers, as well as the grasp of the crowd.

We can see the websites of many housekeeping companies. To put it bluntly, it is the application of some Internet company website templates. Our bidding promotion can make a marketing network website suitable for the enterprise according to the website design process according to local conditions. For example, according to some characteristics of the housekeeping confinement maternity industry, comprehensive customization has been carried out in terms of information display, color matching, plate material combination, structure optimization, and material integration.

Online customer acquisition of housekeeping services requires special attention to the modification of text. The study found that a very important factor in Internet promotion or other competitors' online customer acquisition in past eras is copywriting modification. What the editor said just now is the characteristic group of characteristic users. We need to pay attention to refine our customers and needs. Then use decorative copy to promote, in order to complement each other.

Here are some common and reasonable ways and methods to expand customers that are suitable for the domestic service industry:

Regarding online customer acquisition channels, here we simply divide them into two categories: search engines and online marketing.

  1. Search engine

To put it simply, the online customer acquisition of search engines is to search for certain keywords, accurately match some information, click on paid bidding advertisements, and obtain orders quickly and accurately.

Baidu search: suitable for domestic service companies that have their own official website in the province and already have a certain scale of operation. Getting users to rank your website first in search results based on bid promotion searches can improve customer awareness of your company's brand, which can lead to increased transaction volume. For example, a user searches: Beijing Housekeeping Yuesao Company. This time it's our search results, and then we'll rank the client's site first through auction budget and technical optimization. When our clients see it, they can click, and then clients can contact housekeeping and monthly companies.

  1. Whole network marketing

Nowadays, there are so many resources on various media networks. Using the network to attract traffic can only get a lot of traffic, but this also leads to more and more expensive traffic and more and more investment in advertising costs. Increase. If the boss wants to get a lot of accurate traffic and more customer resources, then we need to conduct a comprehensive and systematic drainage promotion on the Internet. What are the promotion platforms suitable for the housekeeping industry?

  1. Enterprise official website, circle of friends

The company's official website and WeChat Moments are the company's open brand image, but many housekeeping service companies don't pay much attention to it. Wechat Moments at Work: We can publish some corporate events, corporate glory, and employee management status every day, and carry out daily publicity planning.

The company's official website: It is recommended that the layout design is clear, the advantages are all-round, and the business process is clear. When you look up the business process of a service project on the platform, you can quickly find the corresponding service process, and the advantages of the company's business process are clear at a glance.

Introduction of old customer recommendation: This is a very critical source of customer expansion. We can maintain a good relationship with old customers and let them introduce some customers in detail for you, which is also a good way to expand customers.

  1. Some domestic service companies also choose to conduct marketing promotion in First- and second-tier cities are more popular, and some domestic service companies report higher costs.

  2. is widely used in first- and second-tier cities, and you can obtain the accumulated evaluations and user evaluations of stores completely free of charge. Small cities can consider paying according to the situation of Dianping customers in their own areas.

  3. Short video: It is the most popular traffic platform nowadays, such as Douyin, Kuaishou, etc. We can shoot and produce short videos related to domestic service companies for corporate publicity planning. According to the short video of Douyin to share five-star praise from customers, excellent elder sister display, housekeeping service company style, daily activities, etc., create a company and company-specific positioning number, and maximize the company's interests with a story service model. Short videos must have long-term content marketing to attract the attention of a large number of users.

  4. Baijiahao: Known as an artifact of Baidu search traffic. There is absolutely nothing to say about inclusivity and rankings. Baijiahao Baidu's own son has absolutely nothing to say. However, Baijiahao is not very gentle and only likes soft and dry goods, so all bosses need to publish articles and service videos in this industry by themselves and their editors.

  5. Today's Toutiao: Today's Toutiao combines articles, videos, questions and answers, and self-introduction, which will definitely bring good results, especially the micro-toutiao, just like sending a circle of friends, it is easy to operate and can quickly drain traffic.

The value of online marketing lies in that you choose a platform suitable for your industry, and at the same time conform to and lead the development trend of the service industry in the new media era.

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