What are the skills of WeChat promotion


WeChat marketing is a corporate or personal marketing method in the era of network economy, and it is a network marketing method that emerged with the popularity of WeChat. WeChat has no distance limit. After users register on WeChat, they can form a connection with their "friends" who are also registered around, and subscribe to the information they need. WeChat is a social software widely used by the public.

It has a huge number of users and the popularity of WeChat, allowing many companies to find a new channel for making money - WeChat marketing, through WeChat marketing for publicity and promotion, so as to achieve marketing purposes. However, many merchants are worried about WeChat marketing promotion. Do you have any tips for WeChat marketing promotion? How to carry out marketing promotion? Next, let’s take a look at some tips for WeChat marketing promotion.

  1. Cooperation and mutual promotion

Cooperation and mutual promotion is a common form of promotion on Weibo, and the feedback effect is also good. At the same time, this is also very suitable for WeChat marketing and promotion. The effect of WeChat mutual promotion is better than that of Weibo. First, you can increase your number of fans to about 1,000, and then find other accounts to cooperate and promote each other. If the effect is good, it can increase the number of fans by about 100. If you stick to the past and cooperate with multiple accounts, you can increase the number of fans. achieved substantial growth. But it should be noted that in the process of mutual promotion, we must be cautious. If reported, you may face a ban.

  1. Weibo promotion

There are many Weibo accountants who will gain a large number of fans on their WeChat in a short period of time in this way, and they can also use their own resources to communicate with others to gain fans. But if there are no resources, you can only spend money to find a Weibo account to promote. This form of Weibo promotion is relatively common on Weibo, and the effect is also good.

  1. Other network promotion

We can also promote soft articles through forums, Douban, Tieba, etc. It should be noted that in order to avoid being deleted, you can make your own QR code into a signature picture or avatar, and you can mark the slogan of the product, so that each comment is a promotion.

  1. Small with large

The promotion of large and small is also more common. You can create hundreds of trumpets and add friends like crazy. Promotion, but you need to pay attention to the risk of being reported, so don't send hard advertisements directly.

  1. WeChat small function

The three most effective small functions include: WeChat "Shake", "Drift Bottle" and "Nearby People". Three small functions in WeChat can make advertising more effective. Shaking it can also be effectively promoted, but the success rate is relatively low, but the operation is convenient and not cumbersome. Just a simple shake, no geographical restrictions. Reward information is added to the event, and the promoted content must directly meet the needs of users. Drift bottles and WeChat small functions can have interesting interactions with users during the promotion process. Corresponding avatars and signatures, and people nearby learn to switch avatars when choosing the right location.

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