How to promote new stores in the catering industry


Under the background of the epidemic, the overall economic downturn, brick-and-mortar restaurants took the lead in online promotion:

1. Pre-advertising

①Put an advertisement in the circle of friends

Generally speaking, many newly opened restaurants do not know about it at all, so they need to introduce traffic, so we put advertisements in the circle of friends and do activities for people 5 kilometers away. Don't spend a lot of money in the early stage, spend around 500 a day to see the effect.

②Shake + put

You can use your personal Douyin account for Douyin + delivery, and it is also good to target people about 5 kilometers away, so that your personal Douyin account can also attract fans, and do live broadcasts later. We try to choose night delivery.

③ Local public account

Select some local food public accounts to launch. Before going online, be sure to check the data before the official account, check the number of views and likes. Because many public account fans and reading brushes are more, so pay attention to the distinction.

④Cooperation with food experts

You can search nearby to find some cooperation, you can live broadcast cooperation, you can also visit stores to cooperate, now there are generally many such institutions in every city, compare a few more, or you can chat privately on Douyin.

2. Online promotion of its own stores

After the first wave of seed customers, the store itself can use some platforms to carry out online promotion activities

①Live online

When there are many customers in the store, you can live broadcast directly online, or you can switch directly to the kitchen chef scene, which will also attract some traffic.

②Customers add friends or forward

Stores set up activities, add friends, repost in Moments or Weibo, and give different shopping gifts or discounts with different settings each time.

③ Join the takeaway platform

You can choose Meituan or to join. When there are no customers in the early stage, you must join these platforms. Even if you lose money, you need to do publicity, and then slowly guide these people to WeChat public accounts or small programs.

3. In-store word-of-mouth marketing

After the store has passed the survival period, it is necessary to consider doing online word-of-mouth marketing. Of course, the evaluation in the takeaway platform can also be conducted directly by some familiar customers. Xu Guoxiang is talking about online search word-of-mouth marketing:

①Store brand word-of-mouth marketing

Generally, many friends will go to search engines to search for the restaurants they see, look at the reviews, and then decide whether to choose this restaurant for dinner; so we need to cover it, for example: how about xxx western restaurant, has anyone been to xxx western restaurant? , xxx Western restaurant tastes good or not, and other issues that related customers may be concerned about, all need to be covered.

②Long-tail keyword drainage

Brand word-of-mouth coverage aims to search for friends who know our name and increase the conversion rate; most of us are for friends who do not know our store name, so we need to do long-tail keyword drainage.

How to carry out online marketing in the catering industry?

  1. Show

As mentioned in internet marketing training, the internet is a repository of information. As a kind of Chinese culture, the catering industry has its own historical connotation. There are many cuisines and genres. While we can't cover everything, we would love it if we showed netizens on our website or other platforms, plus some cooking methods. This will arouse great interest from the public, and the beautiful and moving images will leave a good impression on the visitors. The value of image marketing can be well reflected. Everyone will download and stream. This is a great way to promote.

  1. Interaction

The interactivity of the web is unmatched by any medium. Collect some diners' hobbies and needs, and guide consumption in a targeted manner. The customer's name, phone number, address, unit, birthday, home address, etc., establish a deep emotional cooperative relationship with the customer, and then lock the target and adopt corresponding marketing strategies. At the same time, some activities can be carried out during the holidays to carry out holiday consumption. If you have the ability, you can also collect videos on the Internet and engage in some cooking competitions, which are all good network marketing models. Now that group buying is in full swing, group buying can be done in exchange for good marketing effects.

  1. Services

Virtually any industry today has shifted from selling goods to selling services. With the Internet, our services can be better reflected.

Customers order food online. In fact, takeout is a very cost-effective marketing method, in terms of manpower, material resources, space occupation, etc., there is a cost-effective sales method. And can also accumulate a large number of old customers. At the same time, it is also a mobile ad. In the past, food ordering was mainly based on telephone ordering, and the scope involved was small, but now with the Internet, this service concept and service characteristics will be passed on to thousands of households.

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