How to use Douyin for online promotion


The Internet has entered the era of short videos, and short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou have become new stars in the Internet field. At the same time, short video promotion has also become a popular promotion method in the field of online promotion, and everyone is seizing the opportunity of Douyin. How can companies grasp this Douyin outlet? How to use Douyin to promote products?

1. Incorporate video content

Douyin is a video software that focuses on entertainment, so marketers can use the positioning of video content to achieve advertising, such as a dance video embedded in a shoe advertisement, wearing shoes and dancing, and finally a random close-up is enough. But it's not over yet. To get everyone's attention, the author of the video also needs to leave a comment below. The best way is humor. Usually such comments are pinned to the top. And more people will naturally see it, and the purpose of marketing will naturally be achieved.

2. Reply to comments

As the saying goes, since ancient times, great people have been commented on, and some netizens have written ridiculous comments under many videos. At this time, the author of the video can skillfully combine the product to deal with publicity and invisible advertising.

3. Turn ads into videos

In fact, on Douyin, many authors directly make videos to recommend some businesses, such as shoes and clothes on Taobao, which are more suitable for people to wear, economical and so on. This kind of marketing promotion, as long as the video production is fine enough, will also attract a lot of attention.

We know that promotion and marketing are the work that every marketing channel has to do, but Douyin can be said to be one of the better methods in online marketing, so as a marketer, why not use it earlier? ?

Now the short video industry is a very good tool for attracting traffic. Among them, Douyin has 700 million users. If used, the promotion effect will be better than other platforms, because the daily active users are very strong. Today we will talk about the way and cost of Douyin promotion.

The first: Douyin official promotion

The official promotion cost of Douyin is not low. We have seen those homepage ads recommended by Douyin. Don't underestimate the cost of advertising consumption. The cost of the previous day was around 2-3 million. If you are not a big company, ignore it here! You see, Douyin is generally related to making games and lending, and these are very profitable, so people have thick advertising fees.

Each of us has the opportunity to make popular videos. As long as we shoot well and the content is more positive, we try to avoid direct promotion of related products. We can promote it through likes and plays. Of course, it is not easy to become popular, but the opportunity is great, and this is completely free, we can show it without paying, and the exposure of popularity can be said to be very large. Make good use of the current Douyin control measures when the control measures are not so strict, everyone You can try.

The third type: rely on Douyin Internet celebrity promotion

This method is more affordable and the price is not very high. Charges are based on the number of followers. Generally, the price of one million followers is around 100,000. However, we don't need to look for those who are particularly famous. We can look for fans that are better, mainly relying on the adhesion of fans, which can drive fans to buy, so as to achieve the purpose of promotion.

Fourth: Forward promotion

This is the most cost-effective one. For example, we post a video, and then we ask the Navy to help us forward it. One dime, and 1W reposts, then millions of people will be exposed. We can do it ourselves according to our actual situation. If you are a small business, you will be reluctant to spend 3 million promotion expenses a day. What's more, most people don't have that much.

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