What is the key to enterprise network marketing promotion?


In this "Internet +" era, if a company wants to get more traffic orders, it will definitely not work just by relying on offline marketing. Through online promotion and drainage, it has become a trend for small and medium-sized enterprises to do network marketing. However, many people will find that although there are many ways to promote, but the actual implementation will find that the results are always unsatisfactory, then everyone will have a question: how to do network promotion to achieve a desired effect What? Today, the editor has sorted out 7 points to pay attention to in response to your questions. Let's take a look:

1. Business budget

If a company wants to do a good job in network marketing, it must first formulate a budget, and only with a budget can the most suitable plan for you. Many business owners are ambitious and ambitious, but the budget is only 10,000, but they want to make 3, 5, 100,000 effects, which is not practical. After all, there are too many peers doing network marketing, and business owners are living in an era of national entrepreneurship. Even your employees know how to bow their heads and play with mobile phones for distribution. How can there still be so many free and low-cost promotion and drainage opportunities for you? before.

When making a plan, you must have a precise corporate positioning for the customer. Once the positioning is ok, the promotion direction is correct and targeted promotion and drainage can be done. Identify your own user groups and find suitable channels to achieve precise marketing.

Second, the establishment of corporate brand image

If a company wants to do a good job in network marketing, the first step is to establish a good brand image. The brand image of a company on the Internet is equivalent to the appearance of the company. If a user who does not know your company chooses you through the Internet, then your brand image must be enough to attract them and what they want to see. So how to build a company's brand image on the Internet?

First of all, the company must have its own official website, which should have the company's introduction, logo, services, products, news, advantages of the company, etc. The company's website can let consumers know you and understand you, so as to successfully convert sales. The website is only the first step, it is more about promotion and publicity. These are what users want to see. When your corporate website is done enough to be trusted by users and capture the pain points of users, then users will choose you without hesitation.

The website can be said to be the stepping stone for enterprises to carry out online marketing. When the website is well done and the corporate brand image is established, then other aspects of marketing will be considered.

3. Analysis of competitors

It is said that knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will win every battle, and the same is true of network marketing promotion. By analyzing competitors, we can extract their successful advantages and selling points, and we must effectively avoid them when we promote them, because competitors already have this advantage and are doing well. . Of course, in some aspects, we can learn from the success of our competitors, and then implement them according to the characteristics of our own enterprises.

Doing network promotion can learn from competitors, but avoid copying and pasting, because each company has its own characteristics and advantages, some selling points may be well executed by opponents, but not necessarily in our case.

4. Keyword SEO

Keyword SEO includes the optimization of website keywords and the optimization of external chain keywords. In the era of developed Internet, many people habitually go to search engines to search for anything, so search engines are also a way for enterprises to carry out network marketing promotion. If a user happens to see your company's information when searching for a certain keyword, they can enter your company's official website and learn about your brand, products and services. When these are what the user wants, then Inquiries will be generated, resulting in orders.

5. Internet Content Marketing

In this Internet era, the dissemination of information can be said to be quite fast, especially some hot events, which are highly sought after by the majority of users, so many people will use the Internet hot events to spread, write and write when doing Internet marketing promotion. Valuable articles, form promotion and dissemination. The good use of hot events can greatly enhance the popularity of the company, and it also plays a key role in promoting the brand of the company. Content marketing to meet the specific needs of customers. For example, businesses can offer article content of various types: blog posts, infographics, e-books or news publications. Build credibility and trust with users while maintaining potential customers.

6. Video Marketing

In addition to text and pictures, video advertising is also a common marketing method for online promotion. Compared with image and text marketing, video advertising marketing will be more time-consuming and expensive. Of course, if the video is done well, the effect will be better, and modern "small video" is more popular, and many companies publish exclusive products on various platforms. This kind of combination of "video" and "Internet" has the advantages of simplicity, convenience and low cost, and the content is diverse, innovative, powerful in rendering, and has a certain degree of interactivity. Users will actively spread , The speed of dissemination is also fast, in order to achieve the purpose of publicity, promotion and marketing.

Users are often attracted by some heart-wrenching videos, and then pass it on from ten to ten, which plays a very good branding role for the enterprise! When the enterprise brand has a certain reputation, then there is no need to worry about not having customers Actively come to the door.

7. WeChat Mini Program Marketing

In recent years, the usage of WeChat has gradually increased, and the popularity of WeChat has also led to small programs. Compared with apps, small programs do not need to be downloaded and installed, do not occupy memory, are simple and convenient to use, and have very rich functions. A small program is essential few. Therefore, there are not a few companies doing online promotion based on WeChat mini-programs, and they can use WeChat for social marketing to achieve fission spread.

When it comes to WeChat mini-programs, the editor will tell you about Tencent’s social advertising. In the past two years, this marketing and promotion method has been relatively popular, especially in the circle of friends advertising, which I believe many people are familiar with. Online community marketing should always be relatively popular. Everyone gathers together because of common interests and hobbies, and then through community marketing, preferential promotion and other means, such an interest circle will be built into a consumer home, and the realization will be realized. .

Enterprise network marketing requires professional personnel to follow up and regulate in all aspects of network marketing, and through background data, analyze user behavior, grasp the key points, and optimize the promotion plan, so as to maximize the effect. No matter which platform you are promoting on, you must first study the customer attributes and platform rules on the platform. Trial and error is inevitable. The less the network marketing company promises you, the more reliable the quality and effect will be.

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