How to optimize keywords in the mother and baby industry


With the rapid economic development, people's living standards are increasing day by day, and the demand for maternal and infant products is also increasing. After 20 years of development, the maternal and child industry has become a complete industrial system. Nowadays, most of the new generation of parents are born in the 1990s, and their consumption concepts are more advanced. They are especially willing to spend money for their children and pursue refined and personalized parenting. With the change of the main population and the upgrading of consumption, the maternal and infant market has accelerated its segmentation, showing a trend of fashion, high-end and personalization.

1. Clear brand positioning

Whether it is for mother and baby brands or brands in other industries, you must be clear about your brand positioning, what kind of people you want to meet, whether you are in the domestic market or the foreign market, and in what ways to promote it. Brands must tap consumers At a certain point of interest, when consumers generate demand, they first recall the positioning of the brand, which is to establish a clear positioning for their own brand in the market that is different from other competitors, and the purpose is to occupy a different position in the minds of potential customers. same location.

2. Search Engine Marketing

Now the Internet has a greater and greater impact on people's lives. Before we buy maternal and infant products, many people will go to the Internet to collect and search for information. Because young parents and mothers do not understand, they need to understand in many ways. At this time, when Bao Bao Bao mother searches the Internet for keywords related to maternal and infant brands and happens to see a lot of positive and practical reports about our brand, it will give customers more confidence in purchasing. Do a good job in optimizing the website, because the official website is equivalent to the main foothold of the brand's external image display on the Internet, the brand party must pay attention to the construction and optimization of the internal information of the website, and make reasonable adjustments to the structure of the website when building the official website. The adjustment of the content and pages of the website also includes the corresponding optimization of the title, description, keywords, etc., so that the keywords of the website are ranked higher on the search result page.

3. Soft text marketing promotion

Ads marketing promotion mainly attracts target customers through pictures and texts, and provides users with valuable content. Brands can publish articles that can resonate with users on many different platforms, and users can search for keywords in media or search engines. Seeing related articles and generating communication effects from them. Compared with bidding advertisements, the advantage of advertisment lies in the word "soft", which makes users not feel the existence of advertisements, but it is actually the existence of an advertisement, the content of the article and the advertisement. The perfect combination to achieve the advertising effect.

Under the wave of mobile Internet, website marketing and promotion have long been developing towards diversified methods. Which one is the most suitable for me to deal with complicated and impetuous optimization methods? This is indeed a bad choice. Everyone's work The experience is, first, according to your own standards and the collocation of the staff, choose the Internet promotion method that you think is suitable for you to carry out optimized marketing promotion, and then make the selection based on the feedback of the data and information. Naturally, this kind of selection may have a certain reason. Website marketing promotion, we key from three levels to start:

  1. Do a good job in Baidu search engine optimization

When it comes to Baidu search engine optimization, in fact, the key is to optimize around Baidu search, and to optimize around Baidu search, then you must leave a little imprint on each product of Baidu, including Encyclopedia, Baidu Q&A, Baidu Knowing, simple, Baidu Q&A, etc., must be done in this kind of work, even if the enemy market competition is very fierce, but also perseverance.

  1. Flexible use of portal websites, localized portal websites and life websites

Although the mother and baby products website is based on Internet technology, the key key business processes and the overall target group are in the local area. Therefore, the necessity of local Internet technology resources must not be ignored. On this kind of website, the professional knowledge of maternal and infant medical care is published by means of community forums and press releases. Taking "child care sisters" as an example, each of them asks: why child care sisters are favored in the sales market of maternal and child products, and how does one count as a successful one? Successful parenting sister-in-law, how to find a suitable parenting sister-in-law, these are the themed styles, write relevant promotional articles and news reports and publish them on each website on time, attract the attention of the local overall target customers, and then generate total traffic for the website.

  1. Online and offline integrated marketing promotion

For mother and baby websites, especially from the perspective of the current development trend of Internet technology, the interaction between people has already become a development trend. Take the traditional Internet technology top three BAT as an example: Business allows netizens to carry out interactive exchanges, Tencent officially uses QQ and mobile WeChat to allow netizens to carry out interactive exchanges, and Baidu Search is passively sharing professional knowledge with netizens based on Baidu search engine most of the time, so relativity has always been in a disadvantageous position. The new Internet technology has achieved success: the "event marketing" of Xiaomi mobile phone fans and the service projects of Didi's hitchhikers, is it possible that the interaction with netizens has subverted the model.

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