How to do word-of-mouth marketing in the education industry


With the entry of a well-off society, people pay more and more attention to education. Parents want to nurture the next generation through education and training. Professionals gain more knowledge and skills through education and training to facilitate their promotion and salary increase.

So, how should the education industry conduct online word-of-mouth marketing? Let me share with you all. If you want to carry out online word-of-mouth marketing in the education industry, you can start from the following aspects:

First, the promotion of soft articles

In the Internet age, advertising promotion is a very common way of network marketing promotion. Through high-quality soft content, publish marketing content on the traffic aggregation platform to attract readers' attention. In this way, the marketing cost is low, the dissemination speed is fast, the dissemination scope is wide, and the marketing effect is lasting. Because the marketing message is soft enough, readers are less likely to hate and unknowingly accept the content of the marketing message. Therefore, advocacy and advising quality are the primary issues, followed by distribution channels.

The second is Q&A promotion

Word-of-mouth marketing promotion, question-and-answer promotion is an indispensable means and the fastest way. The question and answer platform has high weight, strong interaction, fast dissemination and wide range in major search engines. By combining SEO optimization skills, the questions that consumers care about are thrown out and answered, and the marketing and promotion information of the education and training company is implanted, and the consumers are gradually guided to enter the company's official website platform, and finally the transaction is concluded.

The third is self-media propaganda

We media and WeChat official account platforms have a large amount of traffic on the mobile Internet. Today Toutiao, Baidu, Sohu, NetEase, etc. As long as the articles written by educational companies are attractive enough, they can be reposted as many times as possible. Of course, you must pay attention to the content, do a good job of analysis, understand the pain points of user needs, and then add marketing information reasonably to allow readers to accept it subtly.

Fourth, short video promotion

Video promotion is by far the most popular method. Through short video promotion, teachers, educational achievements and teaching methods of educational enterprises can be visually displayed to users. Compared with short text propaganda, short video propaganda is more convincing and easier to be accepted by the public.

Education is one of the hottest industries in the development of the modern Internet, and it is also one of the most serious problems faced by parents. Education is now not limited to classroom learning. It is enough for your kids to keep up and not lag behind other kids, however, savvy advertisers will pay attention to the business opportunities of educational promotion, but how to make educational promotion better in the only traffic?

  1. Is Douyin suitable for educational promotion?

  2. The Douyin short video platform is a youth ecosystem with short videos as the main body. More suitable for children's education and adult education to advertise. Therefore, when Douyin promotes educational advertisements, it can also choose according to the basic tags of the advertisement background. The target audience of the ad!

  3. Douyin Short Video is a young and fashionable short video community. It is a short video APP that is popular among first- and second-tier young users. Over 85% of users were born in the 1990s. The most suitable for advertising in the education industry.

  4. Douyin should pay attention to promoting education

  5. Maintain the update frequency, publish content rhythmically, form stickiness to users, and not easily cause user loss.

  6. The recommended educational content shall not contain illegal text, pictures, etc.

  7. One of the advantages of Douyin video is that it can talk and interact with users, so you need to pay attention to keep Douyin discussing and effectively interacting with your content.

  8. How does the Douyin advertising platform quickly attract customers?

The Douyin advertisement recommendation mechanism is based on user interests, and it is not easy to cause bad emotions in users. Users are more active in Douyin advertisements. Therefore, compared with other platforms, Douyin advertisements have better user experience effects.

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