Which promotion platforms are suitable for start-up companies?


In this era of rapid development, network marketing is a problem that enterprises must face up to in this era. Many start-up companies have basically zero budgets in network marketing due to financial reasons. This leads to a disadvantage for startups in the competition with similar large enterprises, because it has a long accumulation process to be on par with those large enterprises in terms of word of mouth and popularity. For start-up companies, traffic means everything. Only by obtaining traffic and being seen by more people can they stand out among thousands of competitors and gain a firm foothold. How to obtain maximum traffic at low cost and promote corporate image ( word-of-mouth marketing).

Word-of-mouth marketing is based on product promotion of brands, word-of-mouth marketing has a simple logic line, what do I do - why do I find you - what can I bring to you. Of course, offline salespeople recommend products to their customers. Knowing how to market, then the next question is where to market and how to achieve the best marketing effect at the lowest cost.

The channel of word-of-mouth marketing is very important, and how to determine which channel is easier for your customers to acquire. Current media platforms such as Baidu, etc.; self-media platforms Toutiao, Baijiahao, etc., and short video platforms Douyin, Kuaishou, etc. It basically covers consumers of all ages in China. However, due to the characteristics of each platform, there are significant differences in the refined audience. According to the characteristics of their products or services, they define their own audiences and channels, and output products and services to their own audiences with the logic of word-of-mouth marketing. The above channels are all free publishing platforms. Most of the companies’ online operations rarely have budget support when they make operation plans. Most of the time, they let the operators do free expansion first. How to do it for free channels, Xiaobian Here are just a few good sources for your reference:

Video self-media platforms: Douyin, Kuaishou, iQiyi, Xiaohongshu, Meipai, Tencent Video, Bilibili, etc.;

Community forum platforms: Tieba, Zhihu, Maopu, Tianya, Douban, etc.;

Information platforms: Baijia, Toutiao, Dayu, Netease, Sohu, etc.;

In each of the categories listed above, you can choose four channels for deep cultivation, and each platform will have a bonus period for opening a new account, that is, the platform will vigorously push the information of the articles you publish, so at the beginning It is necessary to do a good job in the operation planning of this channel, so we must do all the things that can be certified and associated with each platform at this stage, and at the same time read the release rules of each platform in detail, and try to avoid content that violates the platform specifications from scratch. , which is conducive to account upgrade weight and the opening of other functions.

1. Video platform

Publish the first three videos, try to choose the most attractive content in the video library you have reserved, and it is also the content you want to promote. For the video requirements, try to shoot with a professional camera and do a good job of guiding the video later, but do not include LOGO in the video and promotional text, the duration should be controlled within 3 minutes as much as possible; when republishing, the video title, associated hotspot, address or other things that need to be filled in or associated should be filled in as much as possible.

The title of the video can be edited according to the three aspects of "Company abbreviated as Youth Strong + the video is based on children's parent-child theme + the content is oriented to quality training". The content of the video introduction can be summed up in short text to summarize the main meaning of this video, and the content should not be long and Get out of the video theme.

When choosing a video cover, try to choose a representative or attractive picture, and at the same time, make and upload it in strict accordance with the size and pixels specified by the platform. Don’t take a screenshot and sketch it. The first step for the content of the video platform to attract clicks is the first frame of the video. The picture and video title must keep improving and be careful and serious when cultivating deeply;

After the video is released, you must first comment and guide yourself. At this time, use the mobile phone of a colleague or other person to find the released video and throw a few discussion topics. This topic can be positive or negative. Why can it be negative? Well, we need to figure out one thing about video promotion; although the ultimate goal is to attract traffic and convert, these are all follow-up actions. The first step is to make this video popular first, and to attract a lot of attention. The popularity of comments increases the number of followers and fans. Don't think that this video can bring you anything. The initial expansion goal should first be placed on the number of your followers. Change the direction of your content selection, this is a good time to guide and convert.

2. SNS community platform

You can open a notification account. This is the highest conversion rate of the editor after completing the channel analysis and comparison, so I put my main energy on this, so let’s briefly talk about the operation of Zhihu; first, open the notification The operation of the account is the same as that of the video platform I mentioned above. Do everything that should be perfected, certified, and modified. Don't be too troublesome in the early stage. After you get it at one time, you may never modify or pay attention.

In terms of content selection on Zhihu account, no matter what industry you are in, you must choose content related to your industry, and it must be original articles and videos. The first ten pieces of content must be original, which is very important for you to increase your account weight and platform hot promotion in the early stage. Helpful; the content to be published at the same time should be published in as many types as possible, that is, pictures, videos, and topics. In addition, the categories of articles selected when publishing should also be selected from multiple angles, but they must be related and similar.

The title of graphic and text is the first step to attract readers. According to your main target group, fully investigate the concerns of this part of the group to design. Be sure to match the title with the content, and do not falsely promote; in terms of content design, the content of any article should be Editing and design are the performance and understanding of the writer from the heart. First of all, this person must be familiar with reading, and only those who understand reading will understand how to make readers look comfortable and serious; secondly, the application of pictures in the article should understand reading The rhythm of the reader, originally everyone looked very smooth, but the illustration in the place where the illustration should not be, disrupted the reading rhythm, and the following content will not be taken seriously; in addition, the expression of the picture elements in the content should be consistent with the previous paragraph. The meaning of the text matches the meaning of the illustrations. The meaning of the illustrations is not to make the overall article look layered, but to let the reader deepen the reader's impression through the expression of the picture after reading the text part, so publishing an article is not just casual If you really want to do a good job in the operation of this channel and let more people pay attention to browsing, in addition to having a basic writing skills, you must also have the spirit of readers, and you will have to spend a lot of time and energy to have good works; at the same time In daily operations, you should insist on publishing every day. The number of pieces of content can be 1 or 2. The daily publishing system will automatically increase your exposure.

3. Information platform

The selection of platform content may mainly be industry information, industry hotspots, etc., but during operation, it may be more to choose some hot topic articles. Previous industry articles can be published but it is difficult to form a hot push, unless it is original or first-issue information .

The articles published on a daily basis are mainly based on publicity information. Whether it is video or graphic, the content is mainly narrative. This kind of content has a good sense of substitution and can easily resonate with readers, and the platform is prone to hot pushes. ;The overall content is to write the content of the propaganda in a narrative way and finally form an opinion discussion, such as preschool quality education for children, so it will easily resonate with parents on the topic of children, because the core of the article will have commonality.

The rest is nothing more than insist on publishing, participate in more activities in the channel, keep the daily account active, and finally guide the content, but it is easier said than done, and it takes a lot of time, energy and heart to operate well.

As the saying goes: You can't have both. When we give up the way we can achieve our goals with money, all we need to pay is long-term time. As a small partner with a long operation time, we should all feel deeply and start with a new account. When a certain attention and fan base are formed, it usually takes 1 or 2 years to gradually mature. Here, I would also like to ask my fellow operators, if the company does not have budget support, it can be done When paying for promotion, be sure to explain to your leader what you need to pay for free.

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