How to do network marketing promotion in building materials industry


The building materials industry is a relatively traditional manufacturing industry, and it is also an industry with strong vitality. Enterprise/home decoration is inseparable from building materials.

Under the influence of the Internet, the sales of the building materials industry encountered new bottlenecks, and they also began to change their thinking. They took the Internet e-commerce as an opportunity and used the advantages of network marketing to rebuild the industry pattern in the new era.

It can be said that although China's home building materials market is very good, there are still many industry problems.

The ills of the furniture and building materials industry are highlighted

  1. The traditional model cannot meet the requirements of mainstream consumer groups

The post-80s and post-90s have gradually become mainstream consumer groups. They have their own definitions in the decoration process, and personalized customization has become the mainstream. The traditional furniture and building materials industry has a long chain and scattered industries, and its model cannot attract more consumers.

  1. Internet thinking cannot be popularized, and it is difficult to achieve efficient delivery

In the past few years, many changes have taken place in the furniture and building materials industry, including the market side, consumer side, factory side, design side, etc., and the original ecology and operation model have also changed.

One of the core pain points of furniture and building materials is that it is difficult to achieve efficient delivery, but under the guidance of Internet thinking, the management system and production efficiency of enterprises will be greatly improved, and new development opportunities will be ushered in.

  1. Brand repositioning, unable to quickly adapt to new markets

Judging from the development history of the home building materials industry, except for a few emerging brands, most brands have passed the first stage of development. Traditional brand communication methods and brand positioning are difficult to adapt to the needs of the new era. It is necessary to pay close attention to the brand concerns of these emerging consumers and analyze their consumption behavior in order to be recognized by them.

Furniture and building materials industry network marketing solutions

In this case, how can the building materials industry obtain customer orders through online promotion? This is a real problem that cannot be avoided in the face of traditional industries.

  1. Construction of enterprise official website

In the past, the publicity standards of enterprises were registered capital and factory buildings. Now, the standard standards of enterprises should be the company's official website, WeChat public account, and small programs. Especially the company's official website is not only a display platform, but also a publicity platform, which involves the knowledge of how to optimize the company's website and seo website.

The official website can display all the company's introduction materials, product information, industry information, etc., can establish a corporate brand image, improve corporate reputation, spread corporate culture, and expand sales channels.

  1. B2B industry website

In the B2B industry website with the main business model of providing product supply and procurement information services, establish a product database with complete categories, many product varieties, complete product parameters, and detailed product introductions, especially pay attention to the quality of product information, and have more The latest products, the most authentic and accurate product information, comprehensively improve the purchasing experience, and attract more buyers and suppliers to publish information on the website, browse and find information.

Each industry generally has its own industry information portal, and you can choose the website corresponding to the industry. What needs to be noted here is to understand the publishing rules of each platform, and use each piece of information to expose more opportunities to potential industry users.

  1. E-commerce platform operation

In recent years, e-commerce has also developed rapidly, with a large number of users and large traffic. Businesses use online shopping platforms to create online stores where consumers can search for their brands and products.

Consumers get information from online, experience services offline, place orders online or offline, install offline logistics, share comments online, flow offline to online, then flow from online to offline, and finally from offline Flowing to the online, this can not only drive online traffic, but also activate offline traffic. This is the current model for most home furnishing businesses.

The advantage of this model is that, on the one hand, it can improve the visibility of enterprises through the Internet, and maximize the benefits and relationships of network marketing. The transmission of the entire demand is related to O2O, forming a back chain and effectively improving the quality of brand services.

  1. Search engine marketing

Whether it is on the PC side or the mobile side, search engines are traffic portals that cannot be ignored. Especially on the PC side, search engines account for more than 70% of the portal website traffic. The main platforms of search engines are Baidu, Sogou, 360, and UC promotion.

The main core of bidding is that the quality of keywords is related to bidding, and operators need to continuously optimize to achieve better clicks and access consultation. SEO involves many aspects, and the effect is slower than bidding, but the overall stability is relatively strong after the ranking rises.

  1. Soft text marketing promotion

At present, the promotion of soft articles occupies an important proportion of soft power in online promotion. More and more people realize that soft articles can really play a role in network promotion, attracting users and shaping word-of-mouth.

Promoting marketing well, you can get huge profit returns with extremely low cost investment. Press release marketing can be applied in many places, while online press release marketing is often reflected in the release of press releases on portal websites, self-media and other channels, and can be released on promotion platforms. The media resources are abundant, the platform is stable and powerful, and the service response is timely. The release channel resources include portal websites such as NetEase, Tencent, and Sina, as well as vertical websites in various industries, as well as self-media channels.

In addition, press release marketing can also be combined with search engine marketing and other methods to rank press releases on the first page of search engines for a long time. Of course, this premise is to continuously release new content to form a content matrix and content precipitation.

  1. Video Marketing Promotion

At present, people are keen to brush video content. The video content is rich in form and spreads fast, which is more suitable for users' fragmented time. In recent years, the rise of APPs such as live broadcasts and short videos has pushed video marketing to a new level. the height of. If you can master the experience, video marketing can bring you unexpected results.

After all, video shows the features and styles of products truly, so that customers can better understand whether the products meet their needs, so as to capture online users and open up the market.

  1. Ad slot exchange and link exchange

It is a way to increase mutual weight and share customer resources. This method can be applied to websites, official accounts and even paid promotions.

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